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Family name sign

The stained one starts at $40, which includes "the" and "family". Add $2.00 per letter for the last name.

Family name sign in white or blue

The white one starts at $35, which includes "the" and "family". Add $2.00 per letter for the last name. The only color available at this time is white.

Name drawer fronts

$5 plus $1.50 per letter using 2mm wire

Name drawer fronts

$5 plus $1.50 per letter using 2mm wire

Little Man Cave


Small drawer front with any single word up to 6 letters


Plate words


Plate words


Plate words


Plate words


Kansas City skyline w/arrowhead


Free wire for mounting on wall

"You are our greatest adventure" The phrases run $2 per letter. This one runs $52.

Free wire for tree or wreath


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